As a follow-up to the first Enhanced FAST-ED video, we are excited to bring you a second FAST-ED video overviewing the use of the FAST-ED scoring tool. Upstate University Hospital, Central New York EMS, Midstate EMS and North Country Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program Agencies have collaborated and produced this video to strengthen your understanding of the FAST – ED scoring tool and what it all means. The use of the scoring tool will help increase the recognition of both large vessel occlusive stroke and frequently overlooked posterior strokes. We’re offering a $229.00 stipend to the first 80 agencies, with at least 50% of their primary providers completing the video and passing the online Fast- ED series 2 post video quiz.
Video Link:
Series 2 Survey Link:
The test can be found on the provider portal,, and the roster is attached to this email for your convenience. Thank you everyone!